Inositol Hexanicotinate(Non-flush Niacin)
98.0 - 101.0%
Niacin (B-3) is one of the best researched for all the vitamins, and the evidence for using it to treat high blood cholesterol, trigly-cerides, poor circulation, stress, leg cramps, headaches and diabetes.
Non-flush Niacin (Inositol hexanicotinate as “IHN? is a special form of Niacin that is slowly hydrolyzed to a form of six-to-one (6:1) molar ratio of Niacin and inositol. Its unique properties may maintain the function of both Niacin and inositol, and allow for true niacin effects without Niacin’s unpleasant flushing sensation.
Research Information
Studies showing that IHN improves lipid profiles date back as far as the early 1960s. In an in vitro study using fat cells from rats, IHN was found to be more effective than niacin in reducing hyperchole-sterolemia. When given to rabbits on a fatty diet, IHN resulted in normalization of all lipid fractions, including cholesterol.
In human subjects, studies has shown IHN to reduce cholesterol that was even more profound than that produced by niacin. In a clinical study conducted in Germany, IHN was compared with niacin and other nicotinic acid derivatives for their ability to control free fatty acid levels overnight. IHN, but not niacin, was found to be capable of producing a significant reduction in free fatty acids during the entire night. The reseachers suggested that IHN should be a good choice for producing a prolonged reduction in blood lipids. Two other German studies have also found that IHN is more effective in reducing levels of LDL and VLDL , and was also effective in raising HDL levels in some types of hyperlipidemia. They suggest that IHN is a safe and effective alternative to niacin and does not cause the flush that many people find so unpleasant.